Chieti page 1

It's so nice to go traveling...


Chieti Landscape


The town of Chieti Accustomed for centuries to being the "queen" of Abruzzo's costal area, Chieti lives nowadays with a touch of nostalgia for the past.But not too much,when it comes down to it,sometimes creating slight problems when it takes over space, but that is all. Life in Chieti is and remains what it always was: that of a capital of a province with over one hundred council seats, 104 to be precise; that of a town with rich history and culture but also with rich history and culture but also with rich trade and dealing. It remains the centre of gravity of an area inhabited by 250.000 people. Those who come to visit it, for the many monuments recalling ancient splendour, do not imagine it to be so active. From the centre, Corso Marrucino, to the old and new streets in the suburbs, it is a lively and busy town, and one overburdened with traffic, due to its steep and narrow streets typical of a hilltown. It is a young town, too. And the city ( it now has 56,000 inhabitants) has grown enormously. That splendid hill chosen by its founders had become too small. Houses large and small have appeared all along the roads leading down from the town and towards the sea. Residential housing and commercial buildings displaying  little concern for aesthetics line both sides of the wide and pleasant road to Francavilla al Mare where it meets the Adriatica highway. On the other side, towards Chieti Scalo, the industrial zone, the scene is repeated. The town now spreads almost right down to the plain. Together with the other towns in the valley, it gives life to a formidable urban and industrial centre, both for its present strenght and for the potential wich it already reveals; enormous potential, capable of providing the Abruzzo economy in general, and the Chieti-Pescara economy in particular, with an economic and commercial stimulus wich would be the envy of the richest and most fortunate areas of the Po Valley. What is needed is greater coordination, harmonicus and perhaps united centres of decision-making; briefly, less distinction, less parochialism, because the problem is always the same: political, urban and pseudo-cultural localism. There is a lot of confusion today about the role Chieti should play in the future organization of the whole valley.Some have even suggested administrative union with Pescara. The idea seemed impractical to most people: even if the two towns are almost side by side there would be huge problems, both bureaucratic and otherwise, to be dealt with before arriving at a similar solution. What would be more practical is the idea of a socio-economic "federation" able to solve all the problems common to the two towns, and which are also shared by the other towns of the valley which actively contribute to its development. Chieti, its administrators and 

inhabitants know only too well that they cannot shut themselves up within the walls  and wait for change.  Anyway, of the nine gates which once existed in Chieti there survives only one, and, what a coincidence, it has called Porta Pescara. A lot of time has passed and many things have happened since the 23rd of June 1904 when the Pescaran D'Annunzio, in Chieti for the premiere of  his play Figlia di Iorio, felt  the need, astute as he was, to attract the good feelings of the people of Chieti gathered in the theatre: " Deep aspirations raise the race towards its destiny; great things are said in you by the ancient blood of your ancestors... Everything that is strongest and purest in me is yours". The personal success of the poet and that of his work was overwhelming.




Viviamo dimenticando le nostre metamorfosi. Il giorno è pigro ma la notte è attiva. Una tazza d'aria a mezzogiorno la notte la filtra e la consuma. La notte non lascia polvere su noi. Siamo vicini o lontani dalla nostra coscienza. Dove sono i limiti il fine le radici..........



Nous vivons dans l'oubli de nos metàmorphoses. Le jour est paresseux mais la nuit est active. Un bol d'air à midi la nuit le filtre pas de poussière sur nous. Sommes-nous près ou loin de notre conscience.Où sont nos bornes nos racines notre but.......... (Paul Eluard )